Beautiful or Bust: 5 Drugstore Substitutes

"You don't need a name brand to get top-notch results.iStockphoto/ThinkstockAsk my parents which brands they prefer and

How to Make a Fabric Canopy

When it comes to independent playtime for little kids, forts take the cake. They can be used for a quiet reading nook, a

DIY Autumn Scene Terrarium

Autumn is the favorite season for many people, and it's no wonder with the changing of the leaves and homey accoutrement

What are the ingredients in iridescent makeup?

"Iridescent makeup can give you a natural sheen and make your skin glow.iStockphoto/ThinkstockNavigating the makeup coun

Is It Scratchy? 5 Things to Know About Bamboo Toilet Paper

"Bamboo toilet paper is an Earth-friendly option and, nope, it's not scratchy. Who Gives a CrapDuring the Great Toilet P

10 Brilliant Ways to Use Boiling Water Around Your Home

Maybe you cant whip up a perfect soufflé, but no matter what kind of kitchen skills you do (or dont) have, you can boil


Get Ripped: 10 Bosu Ball Exercises that Tighten and Tone

Are you looking to upgrade your workouts with something new? If you havent tried bosu ball exercises, they could be exac

Cradle Cap 101: 3 Natural Cradle Cap Remedies that Work

If you notice white and/or yellow scales on your babys scalp, dont panic. Cradle cap is very common in newborn babies, a

Ringing Ears? 6 Natural Tinnitus Remedies That Actually Work

Tinnitus, or ringing in the ears, is a common condition that’s more bothersome than anything else. In fact, it’s not a d



Can you get credit cards after being discharged from bankruptcy?

"Using credit cards carefully can help you begin to rebuild your credit after bankruptcy.kunertus/ThinkstockEvery time y




Boat Safe

Boat SafeEnsure your boat is ready for the water with this checklist No matter how much experience you have on the water, prepping your boat – and your passengers – before leaving the dock can make fo

How to Re-Watch Hollywood History

How to Re-Watch Hollywood HistoryStreaming media is transforming TV and movie watching, but the convenience and ability to binge watch favorite shows aren’t the only benefits. Super-fans of a specific

Easy Ways to Improve Your Home’s Health

Easy Ways to Improve Your Home’s HealthMaintaining a healthy home is a goal most Americans share, but not all are confident they’re doing the best job they can to protect their home’s health. Accordin

Prepare Your Family for Winter Weather

Prepare Your Family for Winter WeatherWhile the impact of winter weather varies across the country, nearly all Americans are affected in some capacity each year as temperatures drop, from freezing rai