
10 Brilliant Ways to Use Boiling Water Around Your Home

Maybe you cant whip up a perfect soufflé, but no matter what kind of kitchen skills you do (or dont) have, you can boil

How much is too much when it comes to cologne?

"Cologne can make you smell manlier, but there's a fine line between sexy and stinky.Tim Kitchen/Getty ImagesWearing col

10 Insane Garage Organizing Hacks

There are certain tasks that stay on your to-do list for years. You keep putting them off while constantly kicking yours

Biophilic Design: How Bringing the Outside Inside Makes You Happy

"Fallingwater (the Kaufmann residence) by Frank Lloyd Wright is probably one of the best-known examples of biophilic des

Easy Guide to Makeup Primers

"In the same way primer on your wall lets the paint go on smoother, makeup primer lets your foundation go on more smooth

Housework Delegating 101: Put the Kids to Work

"Your little ones will love helping with chores.iStockphoto/ThinkstockDon’t have enough time to do all the housework whe

Contour Tips for a Square Face

"Square jaws and faces are beautiful, and with the right makeup, they really shine.Ebby May/Photodisc/Getty ImagesThere'

10 Surprising Uses for Vapor Rub

Some parents everywhere swear by the healing power of vapor rub. Its been used to treat cough and cold symptoms since th

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