10 Life Hacks That Will Save You Money, Space and Time


Life Hacks That Will Save You Money, Space and Time 1 of 11

It's usually the smallest things that can cause the biggest headaches, like trying to open one of those super-sealed plastic packages or remembering to water the plants. Let us help with these #eHowHacks that are so simple, you won't believe you didn't think of them yourself.

Image Credit: eHow Open Tough Packaging with a Can Opener 2 of 11

Open Tough Packaging with a Can Opener

Prevent painful cuts and scrapes when opening your new SD card or latest gadget. Who invented those terribly difficult to open plastic packages, anyway?

Image Credit: eHow Self Watering Plants 3 of 11

Self Watering Plants

If you have a hard time remembering what you had for breakfast this morning, there's a good chance you won't remember if you watered your credenza. This hack lets you set it and forget it.

Image Credit: eHow Make a scoop out of a milk jug 4 of 11

Make a Scoop out of a Milk Jug

Don't buy another scoop for gardening or building sandcastles at the beach when you can literally cut one out of a gallon milk jug. Mind. Blown.

Image Credit: eHow Binder clip your way to an organized freezer 5 of 11

Binder Clip Your Way to an Organized Freezer

Binder clips: Keeping things organized at the office and in the freezer.

Image Credit: eHow Space saving soda tab hangers 6 of 11

Space Saving Soda Tab Hangers

No more room in the closet for more hangers? Use soda tabs to double up hangers and save space.

Image Credit: eHow Emergency crayon candle 7 of 11

Emergency Crayon Candle

Did you know crayons can light on fire? It's good to know in case of an emergency.

Image Credit: eHow Open a wine bottle with a screw 8 of 11

Open a Wine Bottle with a Screw

Lost the corkscrew? We've all been there. But where there's a will, a screw and a power tool, there's a way.

Image Credit: eHow Animal toy key holder 9 of 11

Animal Toy Key Holder

It's easy to forget where you put your keys. It's not easy to lose them when an adorable dinosaur lends a helping hand.

Image Credit: eHow Life Hacks That Will Save You Money, Space and Time 10 of 11

DIY No Slip Hangers

On a scale of 1 to super frustrating, clothes that keep slipping off the hangers are definitely on the extreme end. Thankfully, the solution is one hot glue gun away.

Image Credit: eHow Paperclip phone stand 11 of 11

Paperclip Phone Stand

Hold the phone! You can prop up a smartphone with a paperclip? Turn an annoying situation into a solution you can stand with this simple DIY.

Image Credit: eHow

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