U.S. Adults Are Overwhelmingly Unprepared for Serious Illness or Injury

"A new meta-analysis shows that only a third of Americans have prepared advanced directive documents. Peter Dazeley/Gett

What Is a Fiduciary Financial Adviser?

"A fiduciary is a special type of financial planner, one who must put the interests of their clients over their personal

The Secret Life of the Gift Card Industry

"A lot of people give gift cards as presents during the winter holidays. Starbucks, for example, sold almost 2.5 million

How to Write a Resume With Little or Irrelevant Experience

When it comes down to it, the resume is your greatest marketing tool—it highlights your skills and expertise and shows p

5 Advantages to Doing Your Own Taxes

"It can be easy to do your own taxes.AndreyPopov/iStock/ThinkstockIf you think paying taxes now is a pain, be glad you d

How the Health Care Tax Credits Worked

"The Health Care Tax Credit made health insurance more affordable for some groups, until it expired to make way for the

Flickr, Tumblr, Scribd: Why Dropping Vowels From Brand Names Is So Popular

"Flickr apparently loves discarding the letter "e" so much that it took the trend to T-shirts. EMMANUEL DUNAND/AFP/Getty

7 Things To Do Right Now If You’re Job Hunting

Its common knowledge that job hunting can be terrifying, overwhelming, and exhausting, but it can also be exhilarating,

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